PublicationsPhD Thesis #Lillo Cea, P. (2024). The World-Class Ordination: A Field Theory Approach to the Study of Global University Rankings. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.Book Chapters #Lillo Cea, P. (2025). A Field Theory Approach to the Study of Global University Rankings. In S. Pühringer, J. Maesse, & T. Rossier (Eds.), Rankings and the Structure of Economics. Routledge.Börjesson, M., & Lillo Cea, P. (2021). World Class Universities, Rankings and the Global Space of International Students. In S. Rider, M. A. Peters, M. Hyvönen, & T. Besley (Eds.), World Class Universities: A Contested Concept (pp. 141-170). Springer.Reports #Börjesson, M., Giorio, L., Bengtsson, F., & Lillo Cea, P. (2023). Referenser och citeringar i utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning i Sverige, 2001–2021. Vetenskapsrådet.